この書は、常山の生み親でもある、今は亡き七代目 常山英朗が立ち上げたもの。地元を、酒を、こよなく愛した郷土愛あふれる七代目の男気と懐の深さを想わせます。七代目亡きあと、女性蔵元として八代目の常山由起子が継承した際、やわらかな書に一新。苦楽をともに八代目に寄り添ってきました。
このたび、九代目 常山晋平が継承するにあたり、7代目が立ち上げたシンボルを掲げ、初心を忘れず、革新的でありながら本質的な酒づくりに向かう道しるべとしました。


Jozan Sake makes its home in Fukui Prefecture. Fukui is one of three rural prefectures on the west coast of Japan. It is nestled between the Sea of Japan and the Echizen mountains. The calm and easy life in Fukui is blessed by beautiful nature. Japanese often point to the Echizen Mountains rising in the background of Fukui City and speak of rich natural water.
The pure quality spring water flowing from the Echizen Mountains is the foundation of fine dining in Fukui. The prefecture, since ages past, has been one of Japan's leading rice producers and is famous throughout all of Japan for its excellent high quality rice, buckwheat and wild-mountain vegetables. The pristine and highly varied climate of the Hakusan mountain water system provides the ideal source of natural mineral-rich water.
The rice for Jozan Sake is grown in the Miyama district of Fukui City, a rich farming area located in the center of Fukui prefecture's Reihoku area within the Echizen Mountains. In the beautiful mountains and clean water surroundings of Miyama, the rice is brought up gently with care, it breathes in the mountain’s nutrients and helps create a drop of sake melted together with nature.
Jozan Sake is distilled from these natural blessings of land, climate, rice, and exquisite water. The flavor of the rice is light but the Tokoyama family is knowledgeable and draws out its taste, shaping the flavor and expressing it into either a full flavored richness or a crisp clean dry finish. Within every drop of Jozan Sake, the sincerity and pride of the Tokoyama family’s artisan work can be experienced.

The name of Jozan Sake was born from the Tokoyama family name and means ‘eternal mountains.’ In the early Edo Era (1621), the Tokoyama family relocated to one of Japan's most famous trading ports, Mikuni Minato, on the west coast of Japan in what is today Fukui Prefecture.
In the late Edo period (1804), the financial success of the family allowed them to enter into production of another tradition craft, the brewing of rice wine or Sake.
The Tokoyama family’s fame in the silk soon had people talking about the naturally smooth silky texture of their Jozan Sake. For over 215 years, the Tokoyama family has skillfully crafted Jozan Sake.
The Tokoyama family counts nine generations as a sake brewery to the present day. Many things have changed over the years, but the family continues to follow the spirit which joins the generations together. The Tokoyama family, while keeping and cherishing traditional culture, also cherishes new ideas and unique judgement. It is these sensibilities that speak to the charm of Jozan sake.
会社名 | 常山酒造合資会社 |
所在地 | 〒910-0854 福井県福井市御幸1丁目19-10 |
連絡先 | TEL.0776-22-1541 FAX.0776-22-1841 |
創業 | 1804年(文化元年) |
代表者 | 9代目 常山 晋平 |
事業内容 | 清酒の製造および販売 |

- Googleマップで見る
- JR福井駅より徒歩10分
- AOSSAより徒歩10分
- 北陸自動車道福井ICより車で10分
- A 10 minute walk from the east exit of J.R. Fukui Station.
- A 10 minute walk from AOSSA.
- A 10 minute drive from the Hokuriku Expressway, Fukui IC.